JDC America

Your business technology/multi-service company marketing Dell, Microsoft, SonicWall, and intel through strategic partnerships. Protecting your information is what WE DO. JDC has you covered with world class products and services.

The Small Company with BIG Partners

JDC AMERICA Dell Partner Microsoft Partner Sonicwall PartnerJDC Hound
JDC's Sonic Booms!

HOT!!!!Sonicwall© is a manufacturer of advanced network security technology products including the best selling TZ series for small offices. Coupled with their suite of security services, the TZ500, TZ600, etc. offer small offices a world class firewall and a proprietary VPN solution. JDC offers volume discounts through our distribution service, picochannel

Save by phasing in a more uniform architecture that's more reliable than the piecemeal equipment often found at different locations.

JDC offers turnkey setup for our customers, including configuration for Virtual Private Networking!

That's fancy I.T. talk that simply means... YOU CAN WORK FROM ANYWHERE! BOOM!